
Sharing our best and latest insights for reference standards to the petroleum, crude oil, lube oil, and polymers industries.

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February 23, 2025

How to Ensure Precise Organic Chloride Measurements in Crude Oil and Naphtha with ISO 17034 CRMs

Cutting Refinery Costs: Leveraging ISO 17034-Certified CRMs for Accurate Chlorine Analysis in Petroleum Products

December 21, 2024

Drive Results with ISO 17034 Certified Reference Materials

Achieving Superior Analytical Results and Cost Savings with ISO 17034 Certified Reference Materials

July 19, 2022

What is Matrix Matching and How is it Affecting Your Results?

The objective of calibration is to obtain a valid relationship between the signal produced by the analyte and the quantity of analyte in the standards used for calibration. ASI...

August 17, 2021

How and Why to Certify the Purity of Your Lubricants for Electric Vehicles

As the world transitions from combustion engines to electric vehicles, the lubricant industry will provide fluids dedicated for this new technology.

April 28, 2021

What to Know about ASTM Standards for Lubricating Oils

Humans have been using lubricants in some form or the other for thousands of years, starting with the ancient Egyptians.

April 8, 2021

How Calibration Standards Support Quality Products in Supply Chains

Every day you get into your vehicle, turn on the motor and drive off and merge into the traffic - all of that without a thought about all the moving parts working synchronously...

March 30, 2021

Why Are ASTM D5453 and ASTM D4629 So Important?

A small increase in NO2 is linked to increased heart and respiratory deaths.

A team of international researchers analyzed daily concentrations of NO2 in 398 cities in 22 low to...

March 19, 2021

How Long Can You Use Calibration Standards?

Have you ever received a call from a process engineer querying your analysis values? Had that sinking feeling every laboratory manager and analyst gets when the numbers don’t...